Making Your Security Camera System the Most Effective!
Are you one of the many business owners or home owners across the country that is choosing security cameras to secure your property? There is no doubt that there is a huge surge of people taking their security into their own hands and buying security cameras. The key to high performing security camera system is the installation. If the system is not installed correctly you can very well cause your system to under perform and hinder it from doing its job. And the most important part of an installation is the actual placement of your security cameras
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Choosing the right location to mount your security cameras is paramount. If your cameras are not in the best location then your surveillance system will be far less effective and might simply fail. Here are some great tips you can follow to ensure your investment is not wasted and you get the best performance you can out of your security camera system!
The first step in installing a successful security camera system is the evaluation of the areas you want to secure. The goal is to evaluate the entire property and individual areas you want to secure and put the cameras in the best areas so you can obtain complete coverage. Complete coverage means there are no blind spots or dark spots where an intruder can enter an area without being captured by a camera. Although there will be mission critical areas like doors, drive ways, gates, or other high traffic areas that are seen as more important, the key is total coverage. Some people often install cameras in areas where only a door or gate are covered. But what if a criminal jumps a fence or enters through a window? You will be missing the entire event. So dont forget ..Full coverage is crucial. No blind spots! Think like a criminal and work out the different places that your home could be the most vulnerable.
When evaluating the areas you are trying to secure it is also crucial to evaluate the various characteristics of an area that will affect your surveillance system. To determine the type of camera you will install in an area it is important to evaluate the surface option you have to mount a camera. Is it a ceiling or wall surface? Is the area small or large? Does the area allow you to point the camera in the direction needed for full coverage? Can I install a bullet camera? Can I install a dome camera? Do I need a wall mount bracket or a pendant mount? Can I penetrate the wall to get my wires in that area? What are the challenges for me when I install cabling? Evaluating the area on a structure you have to install a camera will play a major role in deciding the camera types you can use. And since every area is different .take your time and do a detained evaluation. The more you know the better decisions you will make during the installation.
Other factors of an area that will effect your decision process are environmental factors. Factors like lighting, temperature, area size, area length, objects in an area, the size of objects you are trying to secure, traffic, bright lights, etc. All of these factors will play a part in the choosing of cameras and the installation of them. These environmental factors will help you decide if you need things like infrared LEDs, heater and/or blowers, specialty housings, Varifocal or fixed lens, a specialty lens, or special features within a camera to support special needs of an area. Remember the environment is always changing, so it is important to plan and choose the camera that will do the most effective job in an area.
Although this all sounds complicated it is not. Installing a security camera system is actually quite simple. And if you do it right you can heavily impact the performance of the system. You do not need to break the bank to have a great system. You can install a low cost system the right way and have it perform just as good as or better than a high dollar system. Take your time, educate yourself, plan, and then buy the products and install.