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Optix America WRXTS1 One-Step Thermal Stripper
PT-90152C- PRO Punchdown Kit
PT-T130 VDV MapMaster 3.0 Cable Tester
WAV-TOOL-EZPASS- Wavenet - RJ-45 Crimp Tool, Pass-Through Crimper
PT- T302C -GFCI Socket Tester
PT-TPS200C - Platinum Tools PoE ++ Tester
PT-TLA300-1 -Platinum Tools TelScope Test Set
KLE-VDV500-705 - Klein Tone & Probe Trace Kit
PT-90148 - Platinum Tools EXO ezEX-RJ45® Termination and Test Kit
Optix America Wet / Dry Quick Cleans - 10 Pack - 100 Cleans - QKCN-10
Optix America CP-250 ~ 2.50mm Fiber Optic Cleaning Pen for SC/ST/FC Connectors
Optix America CP-125 1.25mm Fiber Optic Cleaning Pen for LC/MU Connectors
Optix America VFL-10Li Visual Fault Locator
100054C - Platinum Tools EZ-RJPRO HD Crimp Tool
100061C - Platinum Tools EXO Crimp Frame® with EXO-EX Die
100544 - Platinum Tools EZ-Viking Crimp Tool
10500 - Platinum Tools Coax and Round Cable Cutter
10503 - Platinum Tools Cut-N-Strip Tool
10525 - Platinum Tools Professional Electricians Scissors
10530 - Platinum Tools Ceramic Kevlar Scissors
10531 - Platinum Tools 5 Side Cutting Copper Wire Pliers
11006 - Platinum Tools 8 BNC Removal Tool
11021 - Platinum Tools 8 F Connector Removal Tool
12360 - Platinum Tools External Ground Crimp Tool
12503C - Platinum Tools All-in-One Modular Plug Crimp Tool
12507 - Platinum Tools Tele-Titan Modular Plug Crimp Tool
12515C - Platinum Tools Tele-TitanXg Cat6A 10Gig Crimp Tool
12516C - Platinum Tools Tele-Titan Xg 2.0 CAT6A/10Gig Crimp Tool
15010 - Platinum Tools Cyclops UTP Twisted Pair Cable Stripper
15015 - Platinum Tools Cat5e/Cat 6 Cable Jacket Stripper
15020 - Platinum Tools Double Ended Coax Stripper
15041 - Platinum Tools BR1 Big Red Multi-Stripper
16220C - Platinum Tools SealSmart II Compression Tool
2100-7 - Klein Tools Electricians Scissors and Stripper
33-706 - IDEAL Master Series Network Service Kit
RAC-47000 - Rack-A-Tiers Crocs Needle Nose Wire Strippers
90170 - Platinum Tools Cat6A 10Gig Termination Kit
CPLCCT-SLMR - Belden Cable Pro Linear Compliant Compression Tool
CPLCRBC-B - Belden Double Bubble Compression Crimp Tool
ICACS066RB - ICC 66 Punch Down Tool Replacement Blade
ICACS110RB - ICC 110 Punch Down Tool Replacement Blade
ICACS8WUEH - ICC JackEasy EZ/HD Replacement Head
ICACSCSCTV - ICC Coaxial Cable Stripper Tool
ICACSCT01E - ICC Economic Compression Tool
ICACSCT01U - ICC Universal Compression Tool
ICACSCT845 - ICC Crimp, Strip, & Cut Modular 8P8C RJ45 Crimp Tool
ICACSCT864 - ICC Universal 4, 6, & 8 Position Modular Plug Crimp Tool
ICACSCTRST - ICC Professional Grade Wire Stripper and Cable Cutter
ICACSHTA01 - ICC Punch Down Handheld Termination Aid
ICACSPDT00 - ICC Cabling Products 110 & 66 Punch Down Tool
ICACSPDTEH - ICC Cabling Products JACKEASY Handheld Termination Tool
ICACSPP481 - ICC Multi-Modular Connector Removal Tool
ICACSTSUCD - ICC UTP-Coaxial Cable Combo Stripper
ICACSTSUS1 - ICC Economy UTP Wire Stripper
Platinum Tools 10514C CCS-6 Cable Cutter
PS/59/6/RGB - ICM Cable Pro RGB Coaxial Cable Stripper
PSA59/6 - ICM Cable Pro Coaxial Cable Stripper
PT-TP500C - Platinum Tools - LANSeeker Cable Tester
T62 - Platinum Tools Recon Test Set
TCC200 - Platinum Tools Coax Clarifier
TP150 - Platinum Tools Tone and Probe Set